Latest Episodes
Politics and Protest: Briggs On What The March for Science Is Really About
On this episode of ID the Future, Discovery Institute Fellow Ray Bohlin interviews climate statistician William (Matt) Briggs about the upcoming March for Science....
A Single Tree? Paul Nelson On Whether Evidence Supports Common Descent
On this episode of ID the Future, Brian Miller, CSC Research Coordinator, interviews Paul Nelson, CSC Senior Fellow and philosopher of science, on universal...
Dr. Michael Denton: Paradigm Shifts
On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin sits down with Senior Fellow Dr. Michael Denton for a discussion of paradigm shifts in...
Dr. Wade Warren on an Uphill Battle for Objective Evolution Education in Louisiana
On this episode of ID the Future, Dr. Wade Warren gives a deeper look at the Louisiana science standards review, where he served as...
Brian Miller on How Fitness Terrains Spell Trouble for Eye Evolution
On this episode of ID the Future, Dr. Brian Miller examines evolutionary explanations for the development of the eye. What is needed to build...
Scientific Reasons to Reject an Atheistic Worldview: Exploring TrueU with Mike Keas
On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin interviews CSC senior fellow Dr. Mike Keas, author and expert on science pedagogy. Dr. Keas...