Latest Episodes
Why Evolution's Selection/Mutation Mechanism Fails
What part of neo-Darwinian evolution is actually random? Can random mutational processes account for the new information needed to drive the diversity of life...
McLatchie: Why Cell Division Challenges Darwinism
One of the most incredible features of cellular life is the capability of self-replication. But can a Darwinian mechanism take the credit for the...
Mama Bear Apologetics Takes on Atheist Richard Dawkins
Today’s ID the Future out of vault puts atheist Richard Dawkins’s book Outgrowing God under the microscope and reveals multiple ways his argument smashes...
Engineered Elegance: The Checkpoint Pathways of the Cell Cycle
One of the most incredible features of cellular life is the capability of self-replication. And built into the remarkable process of cell division are...
McLatchie: How Motor Proteins Power Eukaryotic Cell Division
Could the components of the eukaryotic cell division process have arisen through a gradual, unguided process? On this ID The Future, Dr. Jonathan McLatchie...
Günter Bechly on Life's Sudden Information Explosions
We are mourning the recent loss of our friend and colleague Günter Bechly. Gunter was a world-class paleontologist and an inspiration to many for...