Latest Episodes
How Animal Complexity Challenges Evolution
Does animal complexity suggest a Darwinian origin, or is it evidence of intelligent design? On this ID The Future, host Casey Luskin begins a...
Günter Bechly on Fossils and Common Descent
We were shocked and grieved to learn of the death of our friend and colleague Günter Bechly this week. Gunter was a world-class paleontologist...
Why The Multiverse Fails: More With Elie Feder and Aaron Zimmer
If a grand multiverse contains everything that’s possible, it ends up explaining nothing. On this ID The Future, physicist Brian Miller concludes his conversation...
Rejecting the Multiverse: Elie Feder and Aaron Zimmer
It can be tempting to dismiss the idea of the multiverse as unobservable fantasy. But what happens when the available evidence for it is...
Walt Disney’s Views on Science and Its Dangers
On this episode of ID The Future from the archive, John West, Associate Director of the Center for Science & Culture and author of...
My Atmospheric Science Adventures at Mauna Loa Observatory
Most people know Hawaii is famous for its beaches. But did you know it’s also home to one of the world’s leading stations for...