Latest Episodes
Paul Nelson on Orphan Genes and Evolution
On this episode of ID the Future, Brian Miller interviews Paul Nelson about orphan genes. What are these genes? How common are they? What...
Gauger: Is It Easy to Get A New Protein?
On this episode of ID the Future, Ann Gauger discusses a central argument used by evolutionary biologists to say it’s simple to get new...
Prof. John Lennox Responds to Stephen Hawking
On this episode of ID the Future, Dr. Jay Richards talks with John Lennox about his book God and Stephen Hawking: Whose Design Is...
March and July Offer Two Great Chances to Learn More about Intelligent Design
On this episode of ID the Future, learn about educational opportunities coming up with Discovery Institute! Ann Gauger shares about the next ID Education...
Evolution Education in Focus: Texas
On this episode of ID the Future, learn about recent action in Texas on evolution education in public schools. Listen in to learn more...
Graduate Student Challenges Avida in Scientific Paper
On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin interviews Winston Ewert, a graduate student in computer science at Baylor University who recently co-authored...