Latest Episodes
Zombie Science Book Launch Q&A II: ID Research and Reforming Biology Textbooks
On this episode of ID the Future, listen to Jonathan Wells and John West answer questions on intelligent design research about information, and what...
Anti-Human Science: Stephen C. Meyer and Wesley J. Smith on the March for Science
On this episode of ID the Future, listen in as Wesley J. Smith and Stephen C. Meyer answer questions at a Washington D.C. event...
Mathematician Granville Sewell on Common Design
On this episode from the vaults here at ID the Future, pro-ID mathematician Granville Sewell talks about his book In the Beginning: And Other...
Jonathan Wells and John West Field Questions at the Zombie Science Book Launch
On this episode of ID the Future, listen to Jonathan Wells and John West answer questions on the intelligent design movement, embryological development, speciation...
Jay Richards on When to Doubt the Scientific ‘Consensus’
On this episode of ID the Future, hear Jay Richards’ recent talk given at a Washington D.C. event entitled "March for Science or March...
Philosophy, Faith and Science: Webb on Intelligent Design and Academia
On this reposted episode of ID the Future, listen as Casey Luskin and Stephen Webb discuss Dr. Webb’s personal story of how he became...