Latest Episodes
Stephen C. Meyer on the March for Science and How Evolution Degrades Information
On this episode of ID the Future, hear Stephen C. Meyer’s talk given this April at the "March for Science or March for Scientism?...
Wesley J. Smith on the March for Science and Rights Gone Wild
On this episode of ID the Future, hear Wesley J. Smith’s talk given this April at the "March for Science or March for Scientism?...
Answering a Strange Theological Objection to Intelligent Design: Occasionalism
On this reposted episode of ID the Future, listen as Casey Luskin and Stephen Webb discuss Dr. Webb’s intelligent design debate with Stephen Meredith...
Zombie Science Author Jonathan Wells Takes on the Icon of Junk DNA
On this episode of ID the Future, Ray Bohlin interviews Jonathan Wells on so-called 'junk DNA'. Listen in as they discuss ENCODE and intron...
Author of New Book Tells Why Evolution Simulations ... Don’t
On this episode of ID the Future, Ray Bohlin interviews Winston Ewert, Ph.D., co-author with William Dembski and Robert Marks II of the new...
Moving the Goalpost: How Darwin's Theory Survives
It's easy to win the game when you can move the goalpost. On this episode of ID the Future, biologist and Discovery Institute Senior...