Intelligent Design the Future

The ID The Future (IDTF) podcast carries on Discovery Institute's mission of exploring the issues central to evolution and intelligent design. IDTF is a short podcast providing you with the most current news and views ...more

Latest Episodes


September 27, 2006 00:06:22
Why do Some Scientists Oppose Intelligent Design? 

Why do Some Scientists Oppose Intelligent Design? 

Reading the reasons scientists give in their writings it is clear they base their opposition on a mischaracterization of ID, and a general misunderstanding...



September 25, 2006 00:06:38
Banned Books Week Nominee: Intelligent Design Friendly Textbook

Banned Books Week Nominee: Intelligent Design Friendly Textbook

This episode of ID The Future podcast features a commentary by CSC senior fellow Dr. John West on the banning of an intelligent design...



September 22, 2006 00:10:37
How Data and Evidence for Intelligent Design is Bringing About a Scientific Revolution

How Data and Evidence for Intelligent Design is Bringing About a Scientific Revolution

On this episode of ID The Future, Casey Luskin interviews Dr. Jonathan Wells about paradigms, revolutions and Thomas Kuhn. Wells sees the beginnings of...



September 20, 2006 00:16:03
Ten Years After Opening Darwin's Black Box: An Interview with Dr. Michael Behe

Ten Years After Opening Darwin's Black Box: An Interview with Dr. Michael Behe

First Modern Science Text on Intelligent Design, Darwin’s Black Box, Celebrates New 10th Anniversary Edition This episode of ID The Future podcast features an...



September 17, 2006 00:03:49
Is Wikipedia Accurate or Balanced? Not About Intelligent design

Is Wikipedia Accurate or Balanced? Not About Intelligent design

On this episode of IDTF we bring to your attention the bias against intelligent design that runs through Wikipedia. The Wikipedia is becoming a...



September 14, 2006 00:09:44
New Report Exposes the False Facts Used in War on Intelligent Design

New Report Exposes the False Facts Used in War on Intelligent Design

In his book The Republican War on Science, Chris Mooney declares war on intelligent design, calling it a “reactionary crusade” promoted by “[s]cience abusers.”...
