Latest Episodes
The Positive Case for Intelligent Design
On this episode of ID The Future CSC's Casey Luskin talks about a lecture he recently delivered at Boise State University titled "The Positive...
Asking Hard Questions about Darwinian Evolution
On this episode of ID the Future, professor of neurosurgery Michael Egnor shares his experience asking hard questions to prominent Darwinists on their blogs....
Why is Intelligent Design such a Dangerous Theory that it has to be Censored?
Even as Darwinists at SMU are moving to stifle an intelligent design conference on their campus, this episode of ID The Future features a...
What is the evidence for intelligent design from the field of astronomy?
In biology one of the main pieces of evidence for intelligent design is the bacterial flagellum. What are some of the main pieces of...
Where does Darwin's argument from the Origin of Species fit into the classroom?
On this episode of ID The Future CSC senior fellow and philosopher of biology Paul Nelson argues that regardless of court orders banning discussion...
Does Darwinism Devalue Human Life?
On this episode of ID The Future CSC Fellow, Dr. Richard Weikart, author of From Darwin to Hitler asks if Darwinism devalues human life?...