Latest Episodes
Irreducible Complexity Explained
This episode of ID the Future features an excerpt from a radio interview Casey Luskin did with Sound Rezn's Alex McFarland, explaining what irreducible...
How Supporters of Evolution Encourage Violations of the Establishment Clause
On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin examines the double standard advocated by the evolution lobby in public schools. "Either a viewpoint...
Atheist Philosopher of Physics Bradley Monton on Intelligent Design Debate, Part One
This episode of ID the Future features part one of Casey Luskin's interview with atheist philosopher of physics Bradley Monton, author of Seeking God...
Zeal for Darwin's House Consumes Them
On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin examines how, contrary to the stereotype, it's actually the supporters of evolution who encourage violations...
10 Books Every Conservative Must Read
On this episode of ID the Future, Jay Richards interviews Discovery Institute Senior Fellow Benjamin Wiker on his latest book, 10 Books Every Conservative...
Is "Ardi" All Washed Up?
On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin examines the rise and fall of “Ardi,” the once-purported “oldest human ancestor.” What happens to...