Latest Episodes
Nature's "Evolutionary Gems": Microevolution Meets... Microevolution
On this episode of ID the Future Casey Luskin continues his examination of Nature's "15 Evolutionary Gems" packet, going through the literature on small-scale,...
Evaluating Nature's "Evolutionary Gems" and Finding Fishy Stories
On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin examines Nature's "15 Evolutionary Gems" packet, which he describes as "an evangelism packet for those...
Historian Explodes Stereotypes About Intelligent Design
This episode of ID the Future has the second installment of Casey Luskin's interview of Discovery fellow Michael A. Flannery, author of Alfred Russel...
Politically Incorrect Scientist Alfred Russel Wallace
On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin interviews Discovery fellow Michael A. Flannery, author of Alfred Russel Wallace's Theory of Intelligent Evolution:...
An Atheist Discusses the Scientific Merits of Intelligent Design
On this episode of ID the Future, atheist philosopher Bradley Monton defends intelligent design as science, discussing methodological naturalism and the evidential force of...
Is Intelligent Design "Creationism in a Cheap Lab Coat"?
This episode of ID the Future features an excerpt from a radio interview Casey Luskin did with Sound Rezn's Alex McFarland, where callers questioned...