Latest Episodes
Michael Egnor on Atheist Jerry Coyne’s Divine Sense Organ
On this episode of ID the Future, Andrew McDiarmid brings listeners a pair of Michael Egnor responses to atheist biologist Jerry Coyne, who recently...
What is Teaching Evolution All About?
On this episode of ID the Future, Sarah Chaffee discusses a recent article by Adam Laats and Harvey Siegel in Education Week. While Laats...
Michael Aeschliman on C. S. Lewis’s The Abolition of Man
On this episode of ID the Future, Andrew McDiarmid reads the afterword to Michael Aeschliman’s newly revised and expanded The Restoration of Man: C....
What Teaching the Controversy Looks Like
On this episode of ID the Future from the vault, Sarah Chaffee examines what it looks like to teach the controversy over Darwinian evolution,...
Gelernter, Meyer, Berlinski Deny Darwinism, Pt. 3
On this episode of ID the Future we hear the final portion of a three-part series featuring Discovery Institute’s Stephen Meyer and David Berlinski...
Meyer, Berlinski and Yale’s David Gelernter Challenge Darwinism, Pt. 2
This episode of ID the Future features Part 2 of Peter Robinson’s conversation with Yale computer scientist David Gelernter and Discovery Institute senior fellows...