Latest Episodes
Evolution & ID in a Nutshell--Going Strong One Year On
Today’s ID the Future moves regular host Eric Anderson into the guest slot to talk with host Andrew McDiarmid about the success of the...
Another "Junk DNA" Icon Bites the Dust
On this ID The Future from the vault, Casey Luskin examines a paper in Genome Biology and Evolution which argues that the famous beta-globin...
Physicist Eric Hedin Discusses His New ID Book, Canceled Science
Today’s ID the Future spotlights Canceled Science: What Some Atheists Don’t Want You to See. Host Robert Crowther and author Eric Hedin begin by...
A James Tour Course on Abiogenesis: Prologue
Today’s ID the Future features audio of the first in a series of YouTube videos by Dr. James Tour on the origin-of-life problem. Here...
Jay Richards Talks Paley, Hume, and Natural Theology
In this classic ID The Future, CSC’s Logan Gage interviews philosopher Jay Richards about William Paley, David Hume, and contemporary arguments for intelligent design....
Rhetorical Advice for Opponents of Intelligent Design
On this ID the Future author and blogger Tom Gilson offers advice to ID opponents on how to improve their persuasive strategy. Getting ID...