Latest Episodes
Origin of Life’s Purple Unicorn: Protocells
On today’s ID the Future, host Eric Anderson sits down with Rob Stadler, co-author with Change Tan of The Stairway To Life: An Origin-Of-Life...
Outnumbered: Stephen Meyer Debates a Chemist and a Biologist
Stephen Meyer’s new book, Return of the God Hypothesis, is now in bookstores — online and in stores. To celebrate, IDTF is pleased to...
Our Finely Tuned Planet Suggests More than Dumb Luck
Today’s ID the Future spotlights Canceled Science: What Some Atheists Don’t Want You to See with a focus on the book’s look at our...
Physicist John Bloom: Cosmic Design and the Big Bang
In celebration of Return of the God Hypothesis, ID the Future is pleased to feature this classic episode with physicist John Bloom, a CSC...
Stephen Meyer and Michael Shermer Debate Intelligent Design
To celebrate Stephen Meyer’s new book, The Return of the God Hypothesis, ID the Future is pleased to feature a classic episode, a short...
Stephen Meyer and J.P. Moreland Take on Theistic Evolution and Materialism
In this classic ID the Future, philosophers J.P. Moreland and Stephen Meyer speak before a live audience, highlighting contradictions at the heart of theistic...