Latest Episodes
Who's on Trial? A Look at NOVA's Judgment Day
This episode of ID the Future features an interview with Center for Science and Culture's Rob Crowther, who explains the problems with NOVA's "Judgment...
Why are students skeptical of Darwinism?
Skepticism of Darwinian evolution remains high, with well over half of American's doubtful that Darwin's theory adequately explains the intricate complexity of the natural...
The Real Frankenstein: Giovanni Aldini
On this special Halloween edition of ID the Future, John West shares the inspiration for Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. In his new book, Darwin Day...
Confronting Misrepresentative and Deceptive Definitions of ID
On this episode of IDTF CSC's Casey Luskin looks at common misrepresentations of intelligent design in the political and legal arenas. Comparing the comments...
Real Science for Kids
This episode of ID the Future features an interview with Dr. Rebecca Keller, who discusses the nature of science and interpretation and how it...
Newsweek's Trojan Horse
On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin discusses how Newsweek columnist Sharon Begley muffles the cosmic design inference and forces her philosophical...