Latest Episodes
Defending Critical Analysis in Cross-Examination: Dr. Stephen Meyer Answers Questions in Texas
This episode of ID the Future features Dr. Stephen Meyer responding to his critics during a questioning period before the Texas State Board of...
Chemist Charles Garner on Chemical Evolution
On this ID the Future podcast, Chemistry Professor Charles Garner from Baylor University testifies before the Texas State Board of Education about the need...
Biologist Ralph Seelke Speaks Out in Support of Teaching the Controversy
Biologist Ralph Seelke is one of the scientists who aren't supposed to exist; he's skeptical of Darwin's theory of evolution. As a professor at...
Another Scientist Dissents From Darwinism: Dr. Mauricio Alcocer Ruthling
In this ID the Future podcast, Casey Luskin interviews Scientific Dissent From Darwinism signer, biologist Mauricio Alcocer Ruthling, about scientific problems with evolution. Dr....
Well-Informed: Dr. Robert Marks and the Evolutionary Informatics Lab
Editor's Note: After this podcast first aired, Dr. Marks' website, originally hosted by Baylor University, was taken down in an act of censorship. You...
Evolution Has Weaknesses: Dr. Meyer Testifies in Texas
This episode of ID the Future features CSC director Dr. Stephen Meyer's opening remarks to the Texas State Board of Education, where he testified...