Latest Episodes
Signature of Controversy: New Book Responds to Stephen Meyer's Critics
Critics of intelligent design often try to dismiss the theory as not worth addressing, as a question already settled, even as being too boring...
Stephen Meyer Has Even His Critics Agreeing: Intelligent Design Makes Sense
This episode of ID the Future features the recent interaction between Stephen Meyer and one of his critics, Steve Matheson, who were recently at...
Paul Nelson on the Future of Intelligent Design
What does the future look like for intelligent design? That's the question on this episode of ID the Future, where we talk with philosopher...
Fitness Costs and the Genetic Barriers to Evolution
On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin interviews Scientific Dissent From Darwinism signer, biologist Mauricio Alcocer Ruthling, about the scientific problems with...
Testing Evolution in the Lab With Biologic Institute's Ann Gauger
On this episode of ID the Future, CSC Director of Research Jay Richards interviews Ann Gauger, senior research scientist at Biologic Institute, on a...
Michael Behe on Stereotypes and Acceptance of ID and the Big Bang
On this episode of ID the Future we present a short clip of senior fellow Dr. Michael Behe at the Intelligent Design Under Fire...