What does the future look like for intelligent design? That's the question on this episode of ID the Future, where we talk with philosopher of biology Paul Nelson about the hope he has for the scientific challenge to Darwinian evolution and shares his advice for future scientists.
If you're interested in keeping up with the intelligent design community, check out BIO-Complexity, the new open-access peer-reviewed journal on intelligent design and origins. For more general information, visit the resource page at IntelligentDesign.org.
On this episode of ID the Future, Dr. Michael Behe talks with Casey Luskin about recent findings that support his argument in The Edge...
At Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture, we love connecting teachers and students with ID resources and encouraging them to follow the evidence...
On this episode of ID the Future, Ray Bohlin interviews Jonathan Wells on so-called 'junk DNA'. Listen in as they discuss ENCODE and intron...