Latest Episodes
An Educator Wants to Know: Should Public Schools Teach Intelligent Design?
On this episode of ID: The Future, an educator asks whether teachers in public schools should teach intelligent design. Listen to the replies from...
Euthanasia, Physician Assisted Suicide and the Corruption of Medicine
On this episode of ID: The Future, neurosurgeon Michael Egnor talks about how enlisting doctors to perform assisted suicide is a betrayal of longstanding...
How a Perfect Solar Eclipse Suggests Intelligent Design
On this episode of ID: The Future, CSC Senior Fellow Jay Richards explains how perfect solar eclipses are the tip of an iceberg-size design...
Multiverse Theory: Avoiding the Evidence of Design in our Universe
Which requires more faith? A belief in multiple universes or a belief in the intelligent design of our universe? On this episode of ID...
Breaking Stereotypes by Disinheriting the Wind
On this episode of ID: The Future, Biologist Jonathan Wells, author of Zombie Science, and political scientist John West, author of Darwin Day in...
Dr. Cornelius Hunter on ENCODE and "Junk" DNA, Part 1
On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin sits down with Dr. Cornelius Hunter for a discussion about "junk" DNA and the ENCODE...