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Dis-Inherit the Wind: Film Debunks Hollywood’s Icon of Evolution
On this ID The Future from the vault, host David Boze interviews filmmaker Fred Foote, writer and producer of the feature-length drama Alleged, which...
Evolutionary Psychology: Checkered Past, Checkered Present
On this ID the Future host Casey Luskin interviews science journalist Denyse O’Leary about her recent essay, “Is Evolutionary Psychology a Legitimate Way to...
Casey Luskin on Why Intelligent Design is Worth Defending
Today’s ID the Future spotlights The Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith. Host Eric Anderson interviews one of the anthology’s co-editors and contributors, geologist...
Two Recent Papers Buttress Behe’s Darwin Devolves Thesis
On today’s ID the Future Darwin Devolves author and biologist Michael Behe discusses two recent technical papers that the news media billed as dramatic...
Richard Weikart on Scientific Racism and the War on Humanity
Today’s ID the Future again spotlights The Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith. Historian Richard Weikart and host Casey Luskin discuss Weikart’s contribution to...
Rabbi Moshe Averick Takes on Stephen Hawking’s Nonsense of a High Order
On this classic episode of ID the Future, guest host Ira Berkowitz interviews Rabbi Moshe Averick, author of Nonsense of a High Order: The...