Latest Episodes
David Berlinski on the Immaterial, Alan Turing, and the Mystery of Life Itself
The new book Science After Babel is again in the spotlight here at ID the Future, with its author, philosopher and mathematician David Berlinski,...
Introducing Online High School Chemistry With A Design Perspective
On this ID The Future, host Rob Crowther chats with Kristin Marais about her new online chemistry course launching this fall through Discovery Institute...
Gregory Chaitin Talks Gödel, Computer Science, and the Blessing of Children
On today’s ID the Future from the vault, we’re pleased to feature a cross-post from our sister podcast Mind Matters. Here, host Robert J....
David Berlinski on Chickens, Eggs, Human Exceptionalism, and a Revolution
On today’s ID the Future, Science After Babel author David Berlinski continues discussing his newly released book from Discovery Institute Press. In this conversation...
Jonathan Wells Evaluates Darwinian Evolution in New Online Course
How strong is the evidence for Darwinian evolution? What are the limits of the Darwinian mechanism? How should concepts like evolution and science best...
Carbon Valley Trumps Silicon Valley
Got a smartphone? As complicated a machine as it is, it doesn't compare to the incredible sophistication found in biological life. On this episode...