Latest Episodes
A Textbook Case of Judicial Activism: How A Pro-ID Publisher Was Denied Its Day In Court
On this episode of IDTF Casey Luskin interviews legal analyst Seth Cooper about his article "A Textbook Case of Judicial Activism: How A Pro-ID...
New Book Rises Above the Rhetoric and Takes Intelligent Design Seriously
On this episode Casey Luskin reviews a short but unique little book entitled Getting Past the Culture Wars: Regarding Intelligent Design, by Glenn Shrom....
Biology Professor Dishes the Dirt on Bacteria and Microevolution vs. Macroevolution
Professor of biology Dr. Ralph Seelke conducts lab research at the University of Wisconsin, Superior, that focuses on what can evolution really do? In...
A Meaningful World: An Interview with Jonathan Witt
A Meaningful World: How the Arts And Sciences Reveal the Genius of Nature By Benjamin Wiker & Jonathan Witt Publisher: InterVarsity Press In this...
The Testability Double Standard
When ID skeptics object to the claim that the universe was designed based upon the highly improbable fine tuning of the universe, they often...
Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design: Interview with Jonathan Wells
Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design By Jonathan Wells Publisher: Regnery Publishing Senior Italian geneticist Giuseppe Sermonti has called Darwinism the “politically...