Intelligent Design the Future

The ID The Future (IDTF) podcast carries on Discovery Institute's mission of exploring the issues central to evolution and intelligent design. IDTF is a short podcast providing you with the most current news and views ...more

Latest Episodes


August 17, 2007 00:12:25
Chance Encounter: Denyse O'Leary and By Design or By Chance

Chance Encounter: Denyse O'Leary and By Design or By Chance

In this episode of ID The Future, CSC's Casey Luskin interviews journalist and author Denyse O'Leary about the Darwin-ID debate, her writing career, and...



August 13, 2007 00:11:26
What is Falsifiability and Can ID Be Falsified? Dr. Jay Richards Answers

What is Falsifiability and Can ID Be Falsified? Dr. Jay Richards Answers

CSC's Logan Gage interviews senior fellow Jay Richards about how philosophers of science use demarcation criteria to determine what is or isn't science. One...



August 10, 2007 00:11:18
Arguing Analogies: Dr. Jay Richards on Paley's Natural Theology

Arguing Analogies: Dr. Jay Richards on Paley's Natural Theology

In this edition of ID The Future, CSC's Logan Gage interviews Dr. Jay Richards about William Paley, David Hume, and the arguments for intelligent...



August 08, 2007 00:28:28
Blasting Biases: Jonathan Rosenblum at the Discovery Institute

Blasting Biases: Jonathan Rosenblum at the Discovery Institute

Today ID The Future presents another excerpt from Jonathan Rosenblum's "Is Darwinism Kosher?" lecture, delivered at the Discovery Institute on July 26th. In this...



August 07, 2007 00:31:19
Keeping Kosher: Jonathan Rosenblum at the Discovery Institute

Keeping Kosher: Jonathan Rosenblum at the Discovery Institute

ID The Future continues to feature Jerusalem Post columnist Jonathan Rosenblum, who recently spoke at the Discovery Institute about the relationship between Darwinism, Judaism,...



August 03, 2007 00:10:52
Deniable Darwin: Jonathan Rosenblum at the Discovery Institute

Deniable Darwin: Jonathan Rosenblum at the Discovery Institute

ID The Future is pleased to feature Jerusalem Post columnist Jonathan Rosenblum, who spoke on July 26th at the Discovery Institute in Seattle. Rosenblum's...
