Latest Episodes
Intelligent Design Goes to Vegas
This episode of ID the Future features remarks by Stephen Meyer at Freedomfest conference in Las Vegas. What do intelligent design, evolution, information and...
Atheist Antithesis
In this episode of IDTF, CSC's Logan Gage discusses the "new" atheists' approach to religion as a byproduct of evolution. Citing new research which...
Another Look at The Devil's Delusion
In this episode of IDTF CSC’s Logan Gage takes another look at David Berlinski’s The Devil’s Delusion. Gage reviews the book and examines how...
Thomas Jefferson and Intelligent Design
Critics of intelligent design sometimes claim they are defending the principles of American Founding Father Thomas Jefferson in trying to ban discussions of intelligent...
Alfred Russel Wallace: Champion of Natural Selection or Intelligent Design?
Many credit Alfred Russel Wallace, who along with Darwin co-presented the theory of natural selection in letters to the Linnean Society of London, 150...
The Current State of Origins of Life Research
On this episode of ID The Future we feature a short series of comments from Dr. Ed Pelzer on the status of current theories...