Latest Episodes
"Science is an established church" says skeptic David Berlinski
Discovery Institute President Bruce Chapman talks with David Berlinski about the threatened establishment in science and the history of persecuted minority views, and Berlinski's...
An Atheist Considers the Scientific Arguments for Intelligent Design
On this episode of ID the Future Casey Luskin interviews atheist philosopher Bradley Monton on the scientific arguments for intelligent design and whether or...
Scientific Journals Haunted by Intelligent Design: Michael Behe on Irreducible Complexity and PNAS
On this episode of ID the Future Anika Smith interviews Lehigh University professor Michael Behe about irreducible complexity and the way his critics have...
An Atheist Discusses the Scientific Merits of Intelligent Design
On this episode of ID the Future, atheist philosopher Bradley Monton defends intelligent design as science, discussing methodological naturalism and the evidential force of...
Discovery Jeopardizes Darwinist Argument Against Cambrian Explosion
On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin discusses how trails of microorganisms knock down a favorite Darwinist argument against the Cambrian explosion....
Behind the Scenes With Darwin's Dilemma: An Interview With Producer Lad Allen
On this episode of ID the Future Anika Smith interviews Illustra Media producer Lad Allen on the new film out next week, Darwin's Dilemma....