Latest Episodes
Intelligent Design Turns 25
On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin interviews Thomas Woodward, who makes the argument that 2009 should be celebrated as the 25th...
Discovery Institute Sues California Science Center for Suppressing Public Documents Showing Viewpoint Discrimination Against Intelligent Design
This episode of ID the Future features a special news alert by Casey Luskin. Discovery Institute has filed a lawsuit against the California Science...
The Evidence for Intelligent Design in Nature
Where do we find evidence of design in Nature? This episode of ID the Future features Casey Luskin at a recent lecture, explaining how...
Doubting Darwin on His Anniversary
As On the Origin of Species hits its 150th anniversary tomorrow and we witness the height of focused media attention on Charles Darwin and...
The Debate Over Darwin: Stephen Meyer vs. Michael Shermer
What can we learn when we balance the facts and arguments on both sides of each question? This episode of ID the Future features...
The Positive Case for Intelligent Design
What exactly is the positive argument for intelligent design? This episode of ID the Future is taken from a recent lecture on intelligent design...