Latest Episodes
Graduate Student Challenges Avida in Scientific Paper
On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin interview Winston Ewert, a graduate student in computer science at Baylor University who recently co-authored...
Atheist Antithesis
On this episode of ID the Future, CSC's Logan Gage discusses the new atheists' approach to religion as a byproduct of evolution. Citing new...
Discovery Institute Announces the 2010 Summer Seminars on Intelligent Design
This episode of ID the Future features a special announcement from Discovery Institute announcing the 2010 Summer Seminars on Intelligent Design. Discovery Institute has...
A Mathematician Dissents From Darwin
On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin interviews Granville Sewell about how he came to be a Darwin skeptic and why a...
Why Are Students Skeptical of Darwinism?
Skepticism of Darwinian evolution remains high, with well over half of Americans doubtful that Darwin's theory adequately explains the intricate complexity of the natural...
Mathematician Granville Sewell on Common Design
On this episode of ID the Future, pro-ID mathematician Granville Sewell explains his views on common design and how the second law of thermodynamics...