Latest Episodes
Darwin on Trial 20th Anniversary: Darwinian Evolution's "Wrecking Ball"
On this episode of ID The Future, Host David Boze kicks off the celebration by setting the stage. He first takes us back to...
Alleged, pt. 3: Recreating History, Hollywood Style
On this episode of ID The Future, Dr. John West goes "on the set" for an interview with filmmaker Fred Foote, writer and producer...
Alleged, pt. 2: Debunking the Biggest Myths about the Scopes Trial
On this episode of ID The Future, Dr. John West goes "on the set" for an interview with filmmaker Fred Foote, writer and producer...
Alleged, pt. 1: The Story Behind the New Film that Seeks to Replace Inherit the Wind
On this episode of ID The Future, Dr. John West goes "on the set" for an interview with filmmaker Fred Foote, writer and producer...
An Ocean Apart: New Fossils Challenge Common Ancestry
On this episode of ID the Future, David Boze interviews Casey Luskin about recently discovered fossils that have inspired Darwinists to develop wild and...
The Real Frankenstein: Giovanni Aldini
On this special Halloween edition of ID the Future, John West shares the inspiration for Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. In his book, Darwin Day in...