Latest Episodes
Lincoln & Darwin: One Night Only, pt. 2
On this episode of ID The Future, host David Boze continues his discussion with Professor Steven Fuller about his play Lincoln & Darwin: One...
Lincoln and Darwin: One Night Only
February 12th marks the birthdays of both Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin. On this episode of ID The Future, Professor Steven Fuller discusses his...
Peer-Reviewed Scientific Literature Building a Compelling Case for ID
On this episode of ID The Future, Casey Luskin puts to rest once and for all the common assertion by opponents of intelligent design...
Conservatives as Heretics
On this episode of IDTF, host David Boze interviews CSC senior fellow David Klilnghoffer about his piece in the American Spectator looking at why...
Arguing Analogies: Dr. Jay Richards on Paley's Natural Theology
In this edition of ID The Future, Logan Gage interviews CSC Senior Fellow Dr. Jay Richards about William Paley, David Hume, and the arguments...
Michael Shermer's Conflicted Message on Science, ID, and Evolution
On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin takes a look at Michael Shermer's conflicted message on science, intelligent design, and evolution. Michael...