Latest Episodes
David Klinghoffer Reviews Undeniable: How Biology Confirms Our Intuition that Life Is Designed
On this episode of ID the Future CSC Senior Fellow David Klinghoffer gives his review of the new book Undeniable: How Biology Confirms Our...
Polls Show Huge Support for Academic Freedom on Teaching & Researching Evolution
On this episode of ID the Future, listen to an article from Evolution News on a recent survey showing strong nationwide backing for academic...
Rediscovering the Mystery of Ourselves: Part Two With Science Writer James Le Fanu
This episode of ID the Future features part two of Casey Luskin's interview with James Le Fanu, author of Why Us?: How Science Rediscovered...
Darwin Doubting in the UK: Columnist, Doctor and Author James Le Fanu
This episode of ID the Future features part one of Casey Luskin's interview with James Le Fanu, author of Why Us?: How Science Rediscovered...
Founding Father Thomas Jefferson on Intelligent Design
In this special July 4th edition of ID the Future, Discovery Institute Senior Fellow John West explores the real views of Jefferson on intelligent...
Intelligent Design and Human Exceptionalism
On this episode of ID the Future, Senior Fellow David Klinghoffer discusses the concept of "human exceptionalism" — the idea than human beings hold...