Latest Episodes
“Revolutionary Behe”: Part One of A Conversation Between Jerry Bowyer and John West on the Discovery Institute Documentary on Michael Behe
Jerry Bowyer of the Bowyer Briefing interviews the Discovery Institute’s John West about a recent documentary on the work of biochemist Michael Behe. Behe’s...
Serendipity and Circular Arguments in Modern Darwinism
On this episode of ID the Future from the vault, Casey Luskin and guest Dr. Cornelius Hunter talk about the issue of serendipity and...
The Designed Body: Our Irreducibly Complex Blood Pressure Control System
Physician Howard Glicksman talks with host Ray Bohlin about the amazing control systems involved in something we’re all familiar with: blood pressure. It’s a...
Jay Richards on How Michael Gerson Muffs Evolution, and Evangelicalism
On this episode of ID the Future, host Mike Keas talks with Discovery Institute senior fellow Jay Richards, editor of God and Evolution, about...
John Mark Reynolds on When Athens Met Jerusalem
On this episode of ID the Future from the vault, Logan Gage talks with Dr. John Mark Reynolds, at the time the head of...
Academic Freedom Update and
Robert Crowther speaks with Sarah Chaffee, the CSC's Program Officer in Education and Public Policy, about some recent threats to academic freedom in America,...