Latest Episodes
Why Aquinas and Darwin Don’t Mix
On this episode of ID the Future, host Jay Richards talks with Fr. Michael Chaberek about Charles Darwin and medieval scholar Thomas Aquinas, one...
Billions of Missing Links: Electricity and Bioluminescence
In this episode of ID the Future from the vault, hear about electricity and bioluminescence, as highlighted in Dr. Geoffrey Simmons’ book, Billions of...
Humanity and Teleology: Darwin, Wallace and Lyell Debate Natural Selection
On this episode of ID the Future, Michael Flannery, historian of science and emeritus professor from the University of Alabama at Birmingham, discusses how...
Dr. Cornelius Hunter: False Predictions of Darwinian Evolution, pt. 4
On this episode of ID the Future from the vault, Dr. Cornelius Hunter talks about his website Darwin’s Predictions, which critically examines 22 fundamental...
Omega-3 Nutrition Pioneer Tells How He Saw Irreducible Complexity in Cells 40 Years Ago
On this episode of ID the Future, Jorn Dyerberg, the Danish biologist and co-discoverer of the role of omega-3 fatty acids in human health...
Dr. Cornelius Hunter: False Predictions of Darwinian Evolution, pt. 3
On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin talks with Dr. Cornelius Hunter — a Discovery Institute Fellow, adjunct professor, and author —...