Latest Episodes
Wesley J. Smith on the March for Science and Rights Gone Wild
On this episode of ID the Future from the vault, hear Wesley J. Smith’s talk given this April at the March for Science or...
Kirk Durston on Fantasy Science and Scientism — Pt. 3 of 3
On this episode of ID the Future, Kirk Durston, a biophysicist focused on identifying high-information-density parts of proteins, completes a three-part series on three...
Michael Behe on COVID-19 and ‘Why Are There Viruses, Anyway?’
On this episode of ID the Future, host Andrew McDiarmid and biochemist Michael Behe discuss the pandemic coronavirus known as COVID-19. The two move...
Jay Richards on When to Doubt the Scientific "Consensus"
On this episode of ID the Future from the vault, hear Jay Richards’ talk given at a Washington D.C. event entitled "March for Science...
Durston on Experimental, Inferential, and Fantasy Science — Pt. 2
On this episode of ID the Future, biophysicist and philosopher Kirk Durston continue his discussion of three types of science: (1) experimental science, (2)...
Durston on Experimental, Inferential, and Fantasy Science — Pt. 1
On this episode of ID the Future, biophysicist and philosopher Kirk Durston discusses his recent article series about three types of science — (1)...