On this episode of ID The Future, we continue a series on human origins with biologist Ann Gauger, CSC Director of Science Communications. Gauger centers her discussion around a big new anthology from Crossway Books that she contributed to and helped edit, Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique. Today’s episode delves into chimp and human DNA. Really, how similar are our genomes? Do protein-coding stretches of DNA tell the whole story? And is there enough time for genetic mutations to build the novelties that separate humans all other primates?
On today’s ID the Future, host Andrew McDiarmid rings up Science After Babel author David Berlinski in Paris to discuss the philosopher’s latest book....
On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin discusses the two major problems of U.S. science education: first, that students are not adequately...
On this first of a two part ID The Future, CSC's Casey Luskin interviews CSC Fellow Dr. Geoffrey Simmons on what makes him skeptical...