On this ID the Future, biochemist Michael Denton delves further into his revelatory new book The Miracle of the Cell. Here he discusses finely tuned chemical bonds. Cellular life would be impossible if strong bonds weren’t just so for some cellular functions, and if weak bonds weren’t just so for others. Each type of bond exists in a Goldilocks zone, neither too strong nor too weak for its purposes. They're tailored to fit. Denton also explores the miracle enzyme known as ATP synthase and some of the fine-tuning particulars of this life-essential molecular complex.
This episode of IDTF focuses on yet another case of academic freedom being withheld from a scholar because of his views on intelligent design....
On this episode of ID The Future, CSC's Casey Luskin interviews Access Research Network's Dennis Wagner about the top intelligent design news stories of...
On this episode of ID the Future Casey Luskin takes a look at a recent "challenge" issued via YouTube to Discovery Institute, asking the...