On this ID the Future, biochemist Michael Denton draws from his groundbreaking new book, The Miracle of the Cell, to explore a fine-tuning design argument centered on the periodic elements essential for life. Twenty elements—and water, too—appear to have been precisely fine-tuned in advance for highly specific biochemical roles. Without their precise properties, cellular and animal life would be impossible. “Words fail,” says Denton, to describe the “almost eerie sense” that someone very powerful knew in advance the roles and capacities required of various elements to carry out the astonishingly sophisticated activities that make cellular life possible. Denton says that this fine tuning provides an independent line of evidence that life is the result of intelligent design.
This episode of IDTF focuses on yet another case of academic freedom being withheld from a scholar because of his views on intelligent design....
This episode of ID the Future features part two of Casey Luskin's interview with James Le Fanu, author of Why Us?: How Science Rediscovered...
This episode of ID the Future continues our series of podcasts for Academic Freedom Week, where we take a look back over the academic...