In this installment of ID The Future, Gonzaga Law School professor David K. DeWolf discusses the ongoing battle between Darwinism and intelligent design as it resonates through education, politics, and recent presidential debates. DeWolf argues that, rather than unfairly framing the evolution debate or denying tenure to pro-intelligent design college professors, personal agendas should be dismissed so both sides of the issue can be critically investigated.
DeWolf's comments first appeared on June 11th in The Boston Globe.
On this episode of ID The Future CSC's Dr. West explores how early 20th century Darwinists encouraged employee selection be based on natural selection....
On this ID the Future, Taking Leave of Darwin author Neil Thomas and host Jonathan Witt continue their conversation about Thomas’s journey from Darwinian...
On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin sits down with Dr. Paul Nelson to hear his take on a recent NYT op-ed...