On this episode of ID The Future we report on the demotion of a well-published evolutionary biologist critical of Darwinian evolution has been found to be religiously and politically motivated, according to a new government report.
The House Government Reform Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy, and Human Resources has issued its official report on the investigation into the harassment and discrimination against biologist see here). The congressional report bluntly states: The staff investigation has uncovered compelling evidence that Dr. Sternberg’s civil and constitutional rights were violated by Smithsonian officials. Posted here is the Executive Summary of the report. The full report can be downloaded here, and the appendix can be downloaded here.
On this episode of IDTF, host David Boze interviews CSC senior fellow David Klilnghoffer about his piece in the American Spectator looking at why...
On this ID the Future from the vault, author Jay Richards discusses The Human Advantage: The Future of American Work in an Age of...
For decades we were told that non-coding regions of our DNA are littered with evolutionary junk. But in recent years, numerous discoveries have revealed...