On this episode of ID the Future, Anika Smith interviews CSC fellow Nancy Pearcey, who discusses her recent book, Saving Leonardo: A Call to Resist the Secular Assault on Mind, Morals, and Meaning. Listen in as Mrs. Pearcey explains how naturalism filtered down to the public imagination from Darwin to art, literature, and film.
Check out a recent review of the book at Evolution News & Views.
On this episode of ID the Future from the vault, Casey Luskin and guest Dr. Cornelius Hunter talk about the issue of serendipity and...
On this episode of ID the Future, host Eric Anderson talks with scientist and fellow engineer Rob Stadler about a recent origin-of-life paper and...
In today’s ID the Future philosopher Stephen Meyer revisits Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s Templeton Prize speech from May 10, 1983, where Solzhenitsyn indicted the West for...