On this episode of ID The Future, CSC's Casey Luskin continues an interview with Rodney LeVake, the plaintiff in the Academic Freedom court case LeVake vs. Independent School District #656. LeVake, a former high school biology teacher, informally expressed doubts about evolution to a colleague who then reported him to the principal. LeVake ended up losing his biology position, not because he taught creationism or intelligent design, but because he committed a thought crime by doubting Darwinism. Listen as LeVake continues his story, explaining the law suit and what happened afterwards.
On today’s ID the Future host Emily Reeves talks with geologist and intelligent design theorist Casey Luskin about his PhD. Luskin says his dissertation...
In this episode of ID the Future, hear about electricity and bioluminescence, as highlighted in Dr. Geoffrey Simmons’ book, Billions of Missing Links. Listen...
On this episode of ID The Future, CSC's Logan Gage points out that only one century ago, eugenics — the attempt to improve the...