On this episode of ID the Future, CSC Fellow Paul Nelson and Casey Luskin share memories of the late Will Provine, historian of science and evolutionary biologist at Cornell University. Provine, an evolutionary spokesman, was a longtime interlocutor of intelligent design proponents, who admired him for his willingness to challenge standard evolutionary views and his refreshing ability to express affection for opponents while disagreeing with them.
Read Paul Nelson’s reflections on Will Provine's life on Evolution News and Views.
On this episode of ID the Future, acclaimed author and Discovery Institute senior fellow David Klinghoffer takes a look at the academic freedom —...
On this ID the Future from the vault, host Andrew McDiarmid interviews science historian and author Michael Keas about Keas’ ISI book Unbelievable: 7...
On this episode of ID the Future, David Klinghoffer announces Discovery Institute's 2013 Censor of the Year award. Listen in as Klinghoffer explains why...