On this episode of ID the Future we hear a neurosurgeon’s take on materialist philosophical views of the mind. One currently common view, eliminative materialism, says there is nothing to the mind except what goes on in the brain.
But do brain studies involving both imaging and surgery deliver an emphatic rebuttal? The evidence, Egnor says, strongly suggests there’s more to the human mind than the physical, material brain alone can explain. His discussion is drawn from bonus material accompanying the new, action-filled and thought-provoking Science Uprising series of short videos on science, materialism, and intelligent design at scienceuprising.com.
Today’s ID the Future continues A Mousetrap for Darwin author Michael Behe’s conversation with philosopher Pat Flynn, focused on some of the more substantive...
This episode of ID the Future features an excerpt from a radio interview Casey Luskin did with Sound Rezn's Alex McFarland, where callers questioned...
On today’s ID the Future, science-and-religion scholar Robert Shedinger makes the case that a well-known biography of Charles Darwin, Darwin’s Sacred Cause, is deeply...