On this episode of ID the Future, Nancy Pearcey, professor and scholar in residence at Houston Baptist University, tells more of the political history of Darwinism, and how the same troubling issues persist today.
Darwin was one of the first to say, if it isn’t purely naturalistic, it isn’t science. Others said, then and now, suggested that we keep Darwinian evolution and just trust that God is at work behind the scenes. Pearcey, co-author of The Soul of Science: Christian Faith and Natural Philosophy, says the effect, then and now, is to render our understanding of God as something that is largely private and subjective.
Today’s ID the Future continues geologist Casey Luskin’s presentation about how Earth is fine tuned in numerous ways for life, a talk he gave...
On this ID The Future from the vault, Robert Marks and Winston Ewert, both of the Evolutionary Informatics Lab, discuss three of their papers...
Biologist Michael Denton published the groundbreaking Evolution: A Theory in Crisis more than 30 years ago. On this episode of ID the Future, we...