On this episode of ID the Future, author and Center for Science and Culture fellow Nancy Pearcey responds to the claim that the design-oriented view of biology “lost” to an overwhelming scientific revolution, Darwinism, and subsequent discoveries have only put more nails in the design argument’s coffin.
There was a revolution, Pearcey acknowledges, but at its core it was philosophical and ideological, one with no room for intelligent design in biology. “Without Hegel there would have been no Darwin,” Pearcey explains.
On today’s ID The Future, philosopher of science Dr. Stephen Meyer continues his conversation with Praxis Circle’s Doug Monroe. In this section of a...
On this and future episodes of ID the Future, we tell what happened to David Coppedge, a long-time employee of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab...
On this episode of ID the Future, host David Boze interviews Dr. Cornelius Hunter about serveral lines of evidence against Darwinian evolution found in...