On this episode of ID The Future, Casey Luskin critiques some of the macroevolutionary "gems" from Nature's Evolution-Evangelism packet, including whale evolution, feathered dinosaurs, and Tiktaalik. Listen in as he explains why predictions about Tiktaalik from leading evolutionary scientists such as Jerry Coyne and the National Academy of Sciences were overturned by the discovery of 397 million year old tetrapod tracks in early 2010.
For more on the "Evolutionary Gems," check out Evolution News & Views.
On this episode of ID The Future philosopher of biology and CSC senior fellow Paul Nelson argues that philosophical issues related to design in...
On this episode of ID the Future, Discovery Institute fellow Paul Nelson interviews Rabbi Moshe Averick on the new atheists' search for meaning in...
This episode of ID the Future features the last in a series of interviews with atheist philosopher of physics Bradley Monton. Professor Monton's perspective...