On this ID the Future from the vault, host Casey Luskin sits down with Michael Denton, a Senior Fellow of the CSC who holds a PhD in Biochemistry. Denton is the author of Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, which has been credited with influencing both Phillip Johnson and Michael Behe. Here they discuss his sequel to that book, Nature’s Destiny: How the Laws of Biology Reveal Purpose in the Universe, which explores various striking ways that Earth and the laws of nature are finely tuned for carbon-based life and, in particular, creatures like ourselves. Denton argues that when it comes to evidence of fine tuning in the universe, the more you look, the more you find. Indeed, he has continued to find so much evidence of this fine tuning that he launched a more recent series of books on the subject, The Privileged Species series. More on that here.
On this episode of ID the Future we take a look at Iowa State University's decision to deny tenure to astronomer and professor Guillermo...
Today on ID the Future we hear the first of a series of podcasts in honor of the late Phillip E. Johnson, the pioneering...
It's not just intelligent design theorists who are calling for a major rethink of biology and origin-of-life research. On this ID The Future, Casey...