On this episode of IDTF we bring to your attention the bias against intelligent design that runs through Wikipedia. The Wikipedia is becoming a prominent website for people to turn to for information about all manner of subjects. It's unique twist is that it lets web browses update and correct entries. Except about intelligent design or evolution. The site is full of basic inaccuracies that have little or nothing to do with the actual debate over evolution and design. And, when it comes to their information regarding the theories, it is squarely opposed to telling the truth, siding with the worst evolution arguments out there. To make matters worse, these entries are forbidden to be changed, updated or corrected by design supporters.
One letter we received recently noted: "Naturally I consulted Wikipedia for information on the subject and was stunned by the one sided tone of the material I found there." Casey Luskin has more on this episode.
On this episode of ID the Future Casey Luskin exposes the many bluffs and blunders of Darwinist David Hillis, who testified before the Texas...
On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin interviews Dennis Wagner and Kevin Wirth from Access Research Network (ARN) on their "Top 10...
On this episode of ID the Future, CSC Research Coordinator Casey Luskin discusses recent media coverage of the 2012 Sutter's Mill meteorite that falsely...