On today's episode of ID The Future, CSC's Casey Luskin delves into the hidden value of so-called junk DNA. Luskin explains that some Darwinian evolutionists were quick to dismiss junk DNA as functionless remnants of evolution, criticizing intelligent design proponents for suggesting that there could be an undiscovered purpose for such genes. Junk DNA has since been found to code for important traits, undermining Darwinist charges that ID impedes rather than advances scientific progress.
On this episode of ID the Future, Dr. David Berlinski continues his conversation with Casey Luskin as they examine Steven Pinker's claim that humanity...
On today’s ID the Future, Michael Medved interviews biologist Michael Behe about Behe’s visually stunning YouTube series, Secrets of the Cell. Behe summarizes one...
On this episode of ID the Future, host Ira Berkowitz continues his conversation with Rabbi Moshe Averick about the rabbi’s book Nonsense of a...