This episode of ID the Future features the first of a series of interviews with Dr. Paul Nelson on common descent.
Casey Luskin of the CSC asks Dr. Nelson a series of illuminating questions: Is intelligent design compatible with common descent? What is his view of common descent, and how is it related to the origin of life? As the theory of common descent does not tell us whether or not the tree of life was designed, there are design theorists on both sides of this debate. Listen in as Dr. Nelson gives his analysis of the evidence for common ancestry and how the theory is affected by failed predictions.
In The God Proofs, two friends embark on an epic journey to tackle the ultimate mystery: does God exist? On this ID The Future,...
On this classic ID the Future, bestselling author Eric Metaxas tackles the question, Does a commitment to science mean the death of God? Metaxas...
In this episode of ID the Future, Jay Richards interviews Jonathan Witt about Witt's new book, co-authored with William Dembski, titled Intelligent Design Uncensored....