This episode of ID the Future explores the many holes in SMU professor Ronald Wetherington's testimony before the Texas State Board of Education. Listen in as Casey Luskin explains why Wetherington — and anyone else who claims that there are "no gaps" in the fossil record or "no lack of transitional fossils" in human evolution — overstates his case.
For more rebutting Ronald Wetherington's testimony, click here.
On this episode of ID The Future, CSC's Casey Luskin interviews Access Research Network's Dennis Wagner about the top intelligent design news stories of...
On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin continues his series discussing the top 10 problems with biological and chemical evolution. This series...
On this episode of ID the Future, paleoentomologist Günter Bechly discusses the new dragonfly fossil that he discovered, described, and named after intelligent design...