On this ID the Future from the vault, Eric Anderson makes his first appearance on ID the Future, in an interview with host Casey Luskin. By this point Anderson had been involved in the intelligent design debate for over a decade, and at that stage his primary focus was on analyzing the logical and rhetorical bases of arguments to help people understand strengths, weaknesses, and underlying assumptions of arguments made in the ID and evolution debate. He later used those skills in helping assemble a team of contributors for an excellent recent ID book Evolution and Intelligent Design in a Nutshell (Discovery Institute Press), to which he also contributes. There he taps another area of his expertise, the ongoing efforts to create self-reproducing machines, and he applies it to the mystery of life’s origin. Get a copy of the book here.
Today author and journalist Denyse O'Leary talks about the ongoing ID-evolution debate on the internet. O'Leary reveals how she handles so-called "Darwinbots" on her...
On this episode of ID the Future, CSC Associate Director John West sits down with Mathematician and Philosopher Dr. Bill Dembski to discuss his...
On today’s ID the Future, Uncommon Knowledge’s Peter Robinson sits down with Michael Behe, John Lennox, and Stephen Meyer, three of the leading voices...